This is an entry to Post Jam "Jam" #9, which is a revised version of Conquest: Combat Demo

Overall "Post Jam" Updates

  • Updated art style to reflect more desirable look.
  • Add Music & SFX for atmosphere.
  • Rewrote Computer AI logic; more aggressive.
  • Updated Combat Settings to allow for different sized armies.


You, the Player, will fight an opposing Computer Opponent in turn-based combat. It is your job to defeat your opponent by:

  • Eliminating all the opposing force's units.
  • Occupying the Home Row - Center Square of the opposing force.

Armies are made up of Infantry, CalvaryRanged units and Leaders, each with their own unique capabilities:

UnitDescriptionCostCell Size
FootmanMelee unit1pt1
RogueCan move 2 squares per turn
Charge Bonus for moving and attacking in same turn
MusketeerCan only occupy Home Row
Can attack opposing units on same row
LeaderDictates attacks per turn and unit morale3pts--

Combat Rules

  • Only units able to move/attack can be selected.
  • Once a unit has moved, they will not be able to attack (except Calvary units).
  • Once a unit has attacked, they will not be able to move.
  • Players are able to undo movements; however once an attack is made it resets the undo history.
  • Infantry & Calvary units can attack adjacent squares (not diagonally)
  • Ranged units can only occupy the Home Row closest to their base; however they can attack any square with opposing forces in the same row.

Morale, Panicking, Retreating

When a unit is damaged there's a chance they will panic and retreat a square towards their own base. The more damage they take, the higher the chance of a panic. However, the chance of panic is reduced via your Leader's charisma rating.

Combined Arms & Flanking Bonuses

Initiating an attack on a square with more than one unit type will add a Combined Arms Bonus, the more unique unit types the higher the bonus.

Initiating an attack from multiple squares one an opposing square will add a Flanking Bonus. The more attacking squares, the higher the bonus.

Who Is Attacked?

Units are more favored to attack units of similar type (e.g Infantry on Infantry); however attacking the same unit type will decrease it's hit chances.

Credits / Thank You

Additional Dev Note

This game is a clone of a childhood favorite of mine: Conquest of the New World. I studied the manual and played the game and based this upon it. It's a great game!

Published 10 days ago
StatusIn development
Made withGodot
Tags2D, Retro, Turn-Based Combat

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